Calculate GMAT from GRE

Best Tool for
GRE to GMAT Conversion

Predicted GMAT Total score:
Predicted GMAT Verbal score:
Predicted GMAT Quantitative score:

GRE to GMAT Score Calculation Formula

Understand how it's calculated

This is a really simple and easy to use tool for GRE to GMAT conversion.

We developed it after realizing that there isn’t a good tool that serves the purpose. If you are keen to understand the how the score is calculated, here’s the formula.

GMAT Total score

GMAT Total score = – 2080.75 + 6.38 * GRE Verbal Reasoning score + 10.62 * GRE Quantitative Reasoning score

GMAT Verbal score

GMAT Verbal score = -109.49 + 0.912*GRE Verbal Reasoning score

GMAT Quantitative score

GMAT Quantitative score = -158.42 + 1.243*GRE Quantitative Reasoning score


Simple Features

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Simple & Fast

Simple and easy to use tool for converting GRE to GMAT instantly


It is a 100% working tool and scores will be predicted effectively

100% Responsive

Compatible on mobile phones, tablets and desktops


Why convert GRE to GMAT?

Get your GRE scores converted to understand your potential in cracking GMAT.

What is the difference between the GMAT and GRE?

GMAT is used to get admissions into business schools whereas GRE is used to get admission to various graduate school programs. This includes a number of law schools.

What is a good GMAT score?

Any GMAT score that gets you into a good business school is a good score. A score of 700 and more is generally considered to be a good score by the best business schools. The average score of successful applicants to Harvard and Stanford were around 730 in 2019.

What is a good GRE score?

There is no straightforward answer to this question. Most business schools consider the overall profile of the candidate rather than the GRE score. Having said that, a GRE score of 300 and more will be ideal, so long as you have a good undergraduate GPA.

Should I take the GRE or the GMAT?

Your best option is to do your research on the business schools you want to get into, and find out their admission criteria. Some business schools accept GMAT while some accept only GRE.

Score Comparison Chart

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GRE to GMAT Conversion Table